Morris Telfords Salopian OdysseyThe second edition of my novel "Morris Telford's Salopian Oddysey", based on the 2005 BBC weblog of the same name, is now available at a knock down price from

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Buy it! It's great, really. Although I would say that of course, but it is, honest. Buy it. Please....

I currently make a living writing and producing media for the British Government and doing freelance work, mostly writing but animation and graphics too. I'm working with comicbook artist John Watson on a project at the moment, and with writer and musician Darrell Till on a sitcom script and on other Tiny Lapel media stuff. Other projects include a number of scripts as collaborations and solo projects, a childrens novel about an Elf, a Duck and an Accountant, a monthly column for a national newspaper (they never publish it, I keep sending it them though), and the occasional "get well soon" card. Previous published works include American Spoon Indigo, Jim "Templeton" Beat Poet biography and Marlowe Bidforth's Backpack Adventure. I'm always interested in new projects, especially short term projects with massive cash advances, but my time is limited, so don't expect a quick reply, unless you're Dan Didio and want me to write the Inferior Five comicbook, in which case email me now.

A selection of other writing you can see online-
Article on the Jack Kirby museum site.
Morris Telford weblog on the BBC website.
BBC Shropshire feature articles by Russell Payne.
Article I wrote in New Scientist about the power of imagination.
Wikipedia page about me which is probably updated more regularly than this website, so check there too!

writing art animation music other stuff, links, games, confusion, falderal